Thanks for all your error reports, I didn't forget it. I'll cleanup my guide soon. Thanks again!

What to do next

Congratulations for making it here, but your journey has only just begun. See the resources below for some ideas on where to go from here.

  1. Read one man page per day. Make it a habit. One random man page every day. There are about 6000 man pages on my notebook right now, so it can be done for years.
  2. Build your own Linux distribution, from scratch:
    You may want to use my Debian appliance for this and other tasks.
  3. Teach yourself some regular expressions:
  4. Teach yourself some bash scripting:
  5. Read books. For example, this one is good: Unix and Linux Administration Handbook. Also read Unix Haters Handbook and write out points from there that you think are still valid. Now realize that all Operating Systems suck, it is just that some suck worse than others.
  6. Go find a hosting which provides VPS (virtual private severs, or virtual machines) get one. Install something like Apache and your own wiki there. Document your findings online.
  7. Go to and see what Microsoft technology can do.
  8. Setup everything from on your VPS. Just setup, check if it is working and delete it. Or do not delete. Anyway, it will give you much needed experience with server administration.

I will elaborate on this part some day, but this list of resources should keep you busy for now. Good luck, and if you made it this far chances are you liked this guide, so please consider giving me some money. Please :) In the name of cute kittens :)



Learn Linux The Hard Way