Thanks for all your error reports, I didn't forget it. I'll cleanup my guide soon. Thanks again!

#General configuration description
    # network configuraion
        # notice that sophos_firewall gw is NOT a mistake
        # that's because ovh tells to use this config
                         ~~~~~ internet ~~~~~
                        /                    \
                       /                      \
          gw:             gw:!!!)
                 /                           /
                /                          /
         proxmox_server              sophos_firewall             other_vms
               /                          \                        /
    # web-admin configuration
        # all web-admin traffic is being proxied through nginx, use https:// urls below to access
        # this is because such configuration greatly reduces attack surface
        # because web-admin application can have LOTS of potenitally vulnerable points
        # so leaving it unprotected facing the internet is not good
        # downside is that there are 2 logins: first through webserver, than thorugh web-admin
          ~~~~ internet ~~~~                  proxmox_web_admin:
                    \                              /
    # system configuration
        # ipv6 is disabled, because it's unneeded right now
        # iptables are allowing incoming traffic only on TCP ports 22,8007,8008
        # fail2ban is blocking connections from machines which attempt unsuccessful login attempts
        # raid check script is being run via cron and will send email in case of disk failure



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