Thanks for all your error reports, I didn't forget it. I'll cleanup my guide soon. Thanks again!

Documentation example

#General configuration description
    #running services
        tcp          1672/sshd                   # ssh server, server access and file transfer
        tcp        8965/master                 # postfix mail server, sends mail from Google Apps
        tcp          17314/nginx: master         # nginx http, redirects everything to https
        tcp         17314/nginx: master         # nginx webserver and cache, https
        tcp      2134/mysqld                 # mysql database
        tcp      1341/httpd                  # apache webserver, serving actual content
        tcp     11489/zabbix_agentd         # zabbix monitoring agent, performs system checks
        tcp     1453/zabbix_server          # zabbix server, stores and acts on system checks
        udp         18716/ntpd                  # ntp, synchronises system time
    #webserver configuration
        # all incoming requests are first processed by cloudflare
            # some information like static images is cached by cloudflare
            # and is not requested from server on each page view
        # then requests are forwarded to nginx
            # which will is used for additional caching, so some some data will be just served from memory
            # also, it's very fast and is good at serving lots of connection
        # then requests are forwarded to apache
            # which loads actual php engine, executes expression engine scripts and returns data
        # this is the scheme in the nutshell:
        ------------     ---------------------     ----------------     ---------------
        | INTERNET | ==> | CLOUDFLARE:80,443 | ==> | NGINX:80,443 | ==> | APACHE:8080 |
        ------------     ---------------------     ----------------     ---------------
        # backups are performed nighly automatically
        # zabbix checks backups status and sends email in case of any error
        # file, like images, are stored in /media
        # mysql database is dumped, encrypted and backed up as well
        # backups are performed using deduplication, so only changed files are using space
        # backups are uploaded to using enrypted ftp protool
        # this is the scheme of backup directory:
            daily.0 # copy of /media from today
            daily.1 # copy of /media from yesterday
            daily.2 # ...
            daily.9 # last directory is automatically deleted and replaced with newer one
            mysql   # mysql backups, they are mysql dumps compressed and encrypted
        # the same directory is on web01 and on backup
        # on web01 this directory is deduplicated and takes about the same space as on the same data on server
        # on this directory is not deduplicated, and taked basically 10x data as on the server
            # as it is, it's not possible to make simple deduplication happen on
    #server hardedning
        # iptables firewall is set up, and allow incoming traffic ONLY on ports 22, 80 and 443
        # fail2ban in installed, which automatically bans ssh users on several failed attempts
        # all email from the server is being sent using postfix
        # server load checks and server health checks are being performed
        # email is being sent in case of a problem
        # also we have lots of performance data



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